The 10 golden rules of the London Underground

18 Nov , 2014 Uncategorized

Londoners are quite friendly and very polite apart for at one place, this place is called; The London Underground or as we call it “The Tube”  an this is not the best place for making friends.
If you are coming to London and want to avoid making enemies I have the perfect solution for you: The Dictionary’s 10 Golden rules of the London underground.

1. Stand on the right side of the escalator.

escalator love

Sure, love is cute but please get out of my way!

2. Walk on the left side of the escalator.


Part of commuter etiquette.

3. Don’t wait for the barriers to close before you tap your travel card.


Everyone is in a rush to get wherever they are going, do not mess up the flow.

4. If the platform is busy, wait for your turn to get on the train.


Everyone is trying to get on the train, please join the line.

5. Try to breathe into empty spaces.


Leonard HATES IT when strangers breathe in his neck.

6. Please cover your mouth if you really need to sneeze.


The reasons are obvious.

7. Bags/Dogs/Feet/etc. DO NOT(!!!) deserve their own seat.


Not even when they think they are human.

8. Priority seats are for people who need them.


9. Do not stare at people.


Yes, this is exactly what it feels like.

10. Never eat smelly food.


Yes Ronald, we are talking about you.

I know this post contain some complaints but most people in London actually love the Tube, we couldn’t live without it, so thank you TFL for working properly at least most of the time.



