The A-Z Guide To Packing For Your Hostel Stay

1 Oct , 2015 The Dictionary Hostel

Packing for your stay at a hostel can be a little daunting. There are things you might not normally take on a quick holiday and things you definitely can not afford to forget. Here’s our rundown of the A-Z of packing!

A – Adaptors. We’re a world of techies, so it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’re going to be bringing something that needs plugging in. Make sure you research which plug type you will need. Here in the UK, we are plug type G! If you do forget, we sell universal ones at reception!



B – Books. A good book will get you both through the boredom of travelling to get here, the relaxing downtime you have in the hostel and to wind down before bedtime. Don’t bring too many though as those little-bound sheets of paper can soon get pretty darn heavy! Alternatively, load your kindle or tablet with as many books as you possibly can or grab one from our book exchange. You can also leave one behind with us to spread the love and lighten the load.


C – Camera. We know you traveling lot love to capture every little moment of your stay and all the exciting things you see, do and eat (if a meal isn’t photographed, did you even eat it?) so a good quality camera, be it disposable, analogue or digital, is one of the key items to pack!


D – Day bag. Make sure to pack a little bag for heading out and about with so you’re not completely drowned by your giant backpack! Canvas or fabric tote bags are perfect as they can be folded or rolled up super small. And who doesn’t love a totes on-trend bumbag?


E – Eyemask/Earplugs. We’re not gonna beat around the bush, sleeping in a hostel can potentially be a little challenging so packing anything that can help you get your well-deserved beauty sleep is just good sense. If you do forget, we have free earplugs at the front desk!



F – Flip-flops. We know, we know, other people’s feet are totally gross! We make sure our floors are always sparkling but a pair of flip flops will help you get over your barefooted reservations. Plus, who doesn’t look good rocking a pair of flippy-floppies (remove socks first…)


G – Glasses. And by this we mean both prescription glasses and sunglasses! We want you to be able to see everything with perfect vision AND not get blinded by the sun.


H – Hat. You never know with the weather in the UK. It could be glaring sunlight one minute (we still get heatwaves in October sometimes!) and snowing on your head the next. So make sure those ears don’t get burned or frostbitten!



I – iPod (or other musical listening devices). There’s nothing better than listening to your favourite music whilst exploring a new place. It just adds to the experience. Plus, headphones almost act like earplugs, giving you some extra relaxation whilst listening to your favourite chill out tracks.


J – Journal. Keeping a travel journal is a great way to track everything you’ll be doing on your whirlwind trip and is a perfect way to capture memories, sparking nostalgia of some of the best times of your life.


K – Kitbags. Now this covers a few kits that you’ll need to think about packing. A cosmetics bag to make sure you’re groomed to your liking during your stay, a wash bag full of toiletries to keep you smelling fresh as a daisy and a first aid kit full of painkillers, plasters and any prescription medication you take. It’s a good idea to keep a list of any medication you take or allergies you have in your first aid kit so if anything happens the medical services are in the know


L – Layers. It’s all about layers – the gift that keeps on giving. Not only are they a practical way to add warmth when it’s cold, but having lots of different layers keeps your bag lighter as you don’t need to pack different outfits for all seasons. But that’s not it: you can also easily refresh your look just by mixing up the layers. It can be boring wearing the same clothes over and over when you’ve just got a backpack, but packing layers will help you create lots of different looks.



M – Money. Well, this one is obvious. Make sure you get your Great British Pounds before you head over, as the UK only takes the GBP! Check the conversion rates to know what sort of deals you’ll be getting. And if you do need to change your euros/dollars/pesos/yen, there’s a post office less than 5 minutes walk away.


N – Newest Guidebooks. Okay, N was really hard, but owning the newest and most up to date guidebooks is super important as attractions, roads and buildings are forever changing in London, so make sure you’re up to speed on where to go!


O – Organiser. In relation to the guidebooks, grab a good organiser so you know what you’re doing every day and can plan ahead to beat rush hour and the tourist crowds. This isn’t essential, though; sometimes getting lost is the best way to explore!


P – Padlock. Padlocks are an essential, whether it’s to make sure your lockers are super, super secure or to just keep your belongings safe when travelling between airports, a padlock is always handy!


Q – Quick change of clothes. Always keep a spare pair of pants, a toothbrush and a clean t-shirt in your hand luggage so if disaster strikes and the airline loses your luggage, you can always stay feeling fresh until it arrives


R – Raincoat. As mentioned above, the weather can be really unpredictable in London so it’s always best to bring something waterproof in the event of a sudden downpour. Pac-a-macs may not be the most fashionable item but they are hugely convenient to carry about when folded up.


S – Soap. Bringing your own soap is a great idea, especially as you know your own skin. It’s always the safest option if you have sensitive skin so you don’t get any painful skin breakouts that could end up ruining your stay.


T – Travel insurance. Quite an important and practical one. Fingers crossed you won’t need it, but if you do, you’ll be glad you had it!



U – USB charging cable. Chances are you’ve got a bit of tech that has a USB cable. Finding a USB plug in each country is usually easy but you can always borrow one at a hostel if you’ve got the right cable. 


V – Visas. This is an important one! Make sure you’ve got your visas sorted or you’ll be waiting for what seems like an eternity at the airport and you can even be refused entry. So get it sorted sharpish and keep all the relevant information you need safe. There are also loads of opportunities to work at hostels in exchange for free accommodation, but (at least in the UK) you’ll need a valid work visa to volunteer. Get a work visa sorted before your stay so you can work your way around the world if money gets tight.

(email for our current vacancies)



W – Washbag. If you’re staying with us for some time, you’ll want to give those clothes a bit of refresh, especially if, like us, you’re always dropping street food down your front! Our Launderette is next door to Translate Bar and you can grab some washing powder from us for £1 at the front desk. It’s £3 for a wash and £1.50 for drying. Plus you can always grab a cheeky pint next door whilst you wait!


X – Xtra underwear. Yeah ok… but what did you expect, a Xylophone? You can bring one if you really wish but extra underwear is probably a good bet. Just in case.


Y – Your passport. Don’t forget to bring your passport. And photocopies of it. And of your bank cards and other ID, for that matter! A photocopy is great for keeping on you if you want to leave your ID safely locked away in your bag. Also, if the worst happens and you lose your cards, passport or ID, then you’ve got all the details of the missing items for insurance purposes and a handy checklist for cancelling any bank cards etc.


Z – Zip lock bags. The end of the alphabet is super annoying… But zip lock bags are actually really useful for storing smaller dirty clothes, such as smelly socks. Don’t leave them to offend your dorm mates, pop em’ in a zip lock bag and the stench will stay sealed inside.


We did it!

The A-Z of packing for your hostel stay. Let us know what you always take with you over on twitter at @thedictionary

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